Name: Haruka
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 14:19
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Title: Bethany-san
Thank you for today too!
I had a fun lesson with you :)
You can use dokodesuka very well!
Let's keep up :)
I look forward to seeing you next week!
Name: Masayuki Yamada
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 14:05
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Title: ジョンソンさん
<Lesson note> Potential form conjugation Group 1) のみmiます⇒のめmeます おどります⇒おどれます
Group 2) たべます⇒たべられます(たべれます) ねます⇒ねられます(ねれます)
にほんごのかしのほうがおぼえるのがむずかしい=harder to memorize よるがた=night awl あさがた=early bird ちゅうやぎゃくてん=day-night reversal たいけん=to try to experience something new ちらし=flyer おもて=front page うら=back page ふれあいます=to get in touch with ex. しぜん/どうぶつとふれあいます。 にほんぶんか(culture)とふれあいます。 こうりゅう=interaction つきあたり=end of the street/corridor けっか=result しけんのけっかはもうでましたか? やたい=street vendor
Name: Yuki Tsukamoto
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 12:25
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Title: さみsan
Hi, さみsan, you studied a lot of Japanese today too. You leaned various adjectives useful for traveling Japan and はgroup hiraganas. You also learned expression "tabetai(want to eat)" and the negative form of adjectives, "-ku nai". ex. oishii→oishikunai We have one more lesson before you come to Japan. Let's work on hard! Mata, raishuu!
Name: Ayako Miyata
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 11:59
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Title: Jaredさん
こんにちは!Jaredさん、ほんじつもありがとうございました。 ドジャースのしあいのはなしをたくさんしましたね! きょう、かつといいですね。 おおたにさん、がんばって! きょうは〜ことができますをれんしゅうしました。 Jaredさんはとてもとくさんのれいぶんをつくることができました! すばらしいです。では、またらいしゅうもよろしくおねがいいたします。 あやこ
Name: Yuki Tsukamoto
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 10:43
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Title: Scott-san
Hi, スコットsan, you did a great job today too. You've learned how to tell things you don't like in Japanese "-ga suki ja arimasen/-ga suki ja nai desu.", and five new Hiraganas "あいうえお". "i" after "e" becomes "e" and "u" after "o" becomes "o" ex. "sensei" sounds like "sensee" and "ohayou"sounds like "ohayoo". Next week we will do k-group hiragana. Mata, raishuu!
Name: Maiko
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 10:29
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Title: Terraさん
Thank you for taking my lesson today!
☆Today's lesson Lesson 7、8
☆Today’s words and phrases さいきん ながぐつ
また らいしゅう
Name: kotoha matsumi
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 09:21
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Title: William Vuong
Thank you for participating in the online lesson today! We learned the greeting, "Haijimemashite. Watashi wa ○○ desu. ○○jin desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." Your pronunciation was excellent, and I believe you can say it with confidence. Keep up the great work!
Our next lesson is scheduled for Wednesday next week. I'm looking forward to seeing you again!
With heartfelt gratitude,
kotoha matsumi
Name: Kaori Sangawa
Date: 2024/10/30(水) 09:10
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Title: Andrew Chow- san
Andrew Chow- san
Thank you for coming to the second trial lesson!
You studied japanese very hard.
Today's points
Greeting You are studied body parts.
I'll be waiting for you next week.
Name: Rika Matsubara
Date: 2024/10/29(火) 17:19
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Title: Samantha
【Today’s point】 Today you learned how to read and write hiragana(かきくけこ), and text book Lesson 1 are kore sore (これ/あれ/それ).
[New words] あい(love) いえ (house) うえ (above) あお (blue) ほん hon(book) ノート nooto(notebook) ペン pen (pen) くつ kutsu (shoes) かばん kaban (bag) カメラ kamera (camera) めがね megane (glasses) とけい tokei (watch/clock)
[Lesson1 Key Phrase1.2.3] これは ペン です。kore wa pen desu それは ペン です。sore wa pen desu あれは ペン です。are wa pen desu
[homework] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rxB-5M_1IrVXCo8N-DCMJLfZCgN98iON/view?usp=sharing
I confirmed with the office about the change of lesson time. The lesson time has been changed to 7:30 p.m. local time on Mondays, starting from November 4. Winter time will start on November 3, but since the time will be changed on the Japanese side, there will be no change on your side. See you on Monday at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom 26.
Name: Ayako Miyata
Date: 2024/10/29(火) 16:44
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Title: Adam san
Hello Adam san, Thank you for taking a class with me. You did great in making sentences and saying the Japanese words properly. Let's make more sentences and practice it. I appreciate your cooperation. See you next week! Have a good dream. Ayako