Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/10/28(月) 11:03
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Title: Xavier Berolo san
It is so nice to know that you decided to continue my Japanese lesson! Let's have more fun! You are a really great student. You will take a regular course(45miniute-lesson) from next week.
〇Today’s points Lesson2
おいくつですか (polite)=なんさいですか
おじいさん=そふ grandfather おばあさん=そぼ grandmother おとうさん=ちち father おかあさん=はは mother おにいさん=あに elder brother おねえさん=あね elder sister おとうとさん=おとうと younger brother いもうとさん=いもうと younger sister
かいわ conversation A ジェーンさん、みてください。Look at (the picture) わたしのともだちのしゃしんです。The picture of my friends B このひとは だれですか わたしの かのじょです A そうですか。 かわいいですね なんさいですか B 16さいです A そうですか。 けんさん、これは なんですか? B え?? ゆうれいですか?
ゆうれい (おばけ) ghost かれし boyfriend
〇Next lesson Lesson3〜
See you next Sunday at 19:30(the same time )and ZOOM 48( new room number)!
Name: あきこ
Date: 2024/10/28(月) 10:23
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Title: ヘスゥスさん(Jesusさん)
こんばんは。おひさしぶりです!先週(せんしゅう)は、 渋滞(じゅうたい)、大変(たいへん)でしたね。おつかれさまでした! 今日(きょう)も宿題(しゅくだい)をしました。とても よく できました!さすが ヘスゥスさんです:)「ベーコン」を つくりました。たくさん ステップが ありましたね! 授業(じゅぎょう)は、教科書(きょうかしょ)レッスン5 ダイアログ ジェーンさんと ひろさんの 会話(かいわ=ダイアログ)を しました。来週(らいしゅう) 続(つづ)きを いっしょに 勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。 宿題は、ワークT66ページ2と3を 書(か)いてください。 いつも たくさんの 質問(しつもん)や ご親切(しんせつ)を どうも ありがとうございます。 また来週(らいしゅう)/来月(らいげつ)!
Name: Rika Asahina
Date: 2024/10/28(月) 10:09
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Title: Patric Y
●What we learned today -Review about the previuos lesson -hiragana from sa to so -check of ka to ko
●Homework -To memorize from sa to so
●Next class Zoom92 date Sunday November 3rd 2024 time 8:30pm
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu :)
Name: Maiko
Date: 2024/10/28(月) 09:28
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Title: Terraさん
Thank you for taking my lesson today!
☆Today's lesson Lesson 8
☆Today’s words and phrases スーパーで おかしを かいます shoes くつ 1000 せん 10000 まん
Name: Rika Asahina
Date: 2024/10/28(月) 09:10
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Title: Junaid Qadri
●What we learned today -Review about the previous class -hiragana from a to so
●Homework -To review from a to so
●Next class Zoom61 date Sunday November 3rd 2024 time 7:30pm
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu :)
Name: Riko
Date: 2024/10/21(月) 11:22
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Title: Blaireさん
Thank you for coming to my lesson〜〜〜(*^▽^*)♪
I will review today first.but you have already remember sentenses and words.you made me surprised!!!
■Today's Lesson Report
You can introduce yourself to people you meet for the first time! and also ask and tell you meet for the first time about work and where you’re from?
【new sentences】 ○○さんは?(you?) ○○-san wa?
※ "name+さん” We use さん to show respect for someone we consider to be superior, to someone who is older, or someone we don't know well. it can use both of man and woman.
出身(しゅっしん)はどこですか(Where are you from?) shusshinwa dokodesuka?
Anime's title しろくまカフェ(Polar Bear Café) Shirokuma Cafe
I used to watch this anime.love it sooooo much(*´▽`*) please check it.hope you like it〜〜
Name: Blaire
Date: 2024/10/27(日) 16:06
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Title: Hi Riko
This is my 4th time messaging so I hope to get a response this time. I wanted to let you know that I won't be able to attend this week's class(Oct 27 at 9:30pm EST). My last class for the free trail was the previous Sunday. I am ok with just starting my lessons on Nov. 3rd. That way I won't have to make up a class. And it would be easier payment wise for me.
I have not been get a response to let me know that this is ok. Please email me (or respond here but an email would be preferred) to let me know that this has been received. I would rather start my lessons in November so I would not have to make up a class however, if I just have to make up a class then that’s fine…but I need to know before I make a payment. Please get back me. Thank you
Name: Hiroko
Date: 2024/10/27(日) 11:54
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Title: コディ Cody san
Konbanwa, コディ san
You worked hard and did very well. iidesune! And also, your writing was beautiful!
lesson ga suki desu ka. I hope you say hai.
Here are today's new words.
rokku kurashikku supagetti(NOT supagetty, sorry this spell is correct. No difference of pronuciation.) karai tabemono futtobooru
See you tomorrow(^^)/ Have a lovely evening.
Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/10/26(土) 16:47
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Title: Robert Greene san
Robert san You did a good effort for today,too. You learned new things a lot. I am also happy to hear that you and your wife are planning to come to Japan next year! Sugoidesune!!(Awesome)
〇Today’s points これは どこのふくですか? Korewa dokono hukudesuka? ちゅうごくの ふくです。Cyuugoku no hukudesu. China dress かんこくkankoku(Korea)
ひばりこうえんは どこですか?hibari kouen wa dokodesuka? (where is Hibari park?) このみちを まっすぐ いってください。kono michi o massugu itte kudasai(please go straight down this street)
みぎへ いってください migi e itte kudasai (please go to the right)
しんごう shingou (traffic light) おうだんほどう Oudan hodou (crossing road) こうさてん kousaten (intersection)
〇Today’s Homework Japanese menu すし〜みそしる
〇Next lesson p50かいわ〜
また らいしゅう!See you next week!
Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/10/26(土) 13:51
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Title: Cynthia & Luis san
Cynthia & Luis san, it is so nice to have both of you in my class. You are always great students! Thank you for your effort.
〇Today’s points
あのひとは だれですか?(anohitowa daredesuka) who is that person?
これは なんですか?(korewa nandesuka?) what is this?
おいくつ ですか?(oikutsu desuka)=なんさい ですか?(nansai desuka) How old ?
13 sai desu.
〇Today’s vocabulary かのじょ kanojyo (girlfriend) かれし karesi(boyfriend)
しゃしんsyasin (picture) ゆうれい yuurei(ghost)
〇しゅくだい (homework) なにぬねの
〇Next lesson p39 keyphrase5,stage5,p40Kazoku
Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/10/26(土) 13:42
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Title: Lissette san
It is so nice to have a lesson time with you. Thank you for sharing your birthday presents. They are so cute! Tanjyoubi Omedetou!! (happy birthday)
〇Today’s points
あのひとは だれですか?(anohitowa daredesuka) who is that person?
これは なんですか?(korewa nandesuka?) what is this?
おいくつ ですか?(oikutsu desuka)=なんさい ですか?(nansai desuka) How old ?
13 sai desu.
〇Today’s vocabulary けいたい keitai = すまほ sumaho (cell phone) りもこん rimokon (remote controller)
〇しゅくだい (homework)
〇Next lesson p39 keyphrase5〜
See you on Sunday!