・Intermediate2 L14 2つの形容詞か名詞をつなげる (Combine 2 adjectives or nouns)
In today's practice, you used various adjectives and did a good job, but sometimes you made mistakes. After you made a mistake, you repeated it again in the correct way. That's great. I hope you'll be careful and say it correctly next time!
こんばんわ!Thank you for your time on Thursday night as always.It's great to see you again! In today's lesson, we started to learn and practice Lesson 8, I think that or He said that so on. We created sentences using plain style and と,おもいます。 The phrases like, "あしたはさむいとおもいます","あしたはさむくないとおもいます" Question:"あのこんびにでおさけをうっていますか?", The answer is: いいえ、うっていないとおもいます。or はい、うっているとおもいます。 Question:"かぎはあのはこのなかにありますか?" The answer is : いいえ、ないとおもいます。or はい、あるとおもいます。 For example, it’s a phrase often used by Japanese people in situations where it’s unclear if someone has left or not. New word: あいまいvague or unclear so on. Also the phrase like, Future tense "will do" するつもり, Thank you for remembering! As you would expect! Very nice work,おつかれさまでした。 またあした!
こんにちは、Kaylaさん! ありがとうございました。 Thank you for taking a class with me. We learned na-adjective today. You did great making sentences correctly using na-adjectives. Adjective is a bit confusing, but please keep up the good work! I appreciate your efforts to learn Japanese. Have a wonderful rest of the day. See you next week! Ayako