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   Meg さん   
   Ceasar G1   
   Shawn Aaron   
   Arli Sienz-san   
   Solamon Dixon san   

Name: Haruka
Date: 2024/09/06(金) 09:30
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Title: Michelleさん    

〜ませんか、〜ましょう もじょうずにいえていました(^ ^)

きょうは 〜たい をべんきょうしました。
わたしもうれしいです( ^ω^ )

来週はL2 stage3からスタートしましょう!

Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 16:49
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Title: Jaz-san    
Good evening. Thank you for your time on Wednesday night. It's nice to meet you. In today's lesson, we started studying Lesson 4,talking about experiences. V ta-form ends with kotoga arimasu,phrases like, "sushi o tabetakotoga arimasuka?",the answer is "hai, sushio tabetakotoga arimasu","jyudo o shitakotoga
arimasuka?",the answer is "iie, jyudo o shitakotoga arimasen",
"nihon e itta kotoga arimasuka?",the answer is"hai, nihon e ittakotoga arimasu", so on.You did well and we didn't stuck anywhere-thank you so much. Well done, thank you for your hard work. Have an excellent weekend then. See you next time. Take care!

Name: Yuki Tsukamoto
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 16:23
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Title: Angelさん    
Today you learned a lot of things! Some more greetings and classroom Japanese, た-group hiraganas, how to tell age and question words "Nani? and Dare?". We will practice using nani and dare next week. So see you next week. また、らいしゅう!

Name: ひらい
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 16:16
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Title: ステファニーさん    



Name: Yasuhiro Tokoro
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 15:51
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Title: Meg さん    
わたしの トライアルレッスンに 来てくれて ありがとうございます。

クイズやアニメは、にほんごに きょうみをひく きっかけです。

むつかしいけいごも、いずれやさしいクイズにしてみたいと おもっています。

らいしゅうの けんじょうごで けいごトライアルは、ひとくぎりですが、まだまだ、けいごは おくがふかく、さらにきわめられます。


Name: Sakura(西)
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 15:36
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Title: Ceasar G1    
Thank you for attending today's lesson.
You are quick to understand.
Let's enjoy studying Japanese again next week!

★Today's lesson

わたしは 〜 です。(watashiwa desu)
  わたしは あめりかじんです。(watashiwa amerikajin desu)

★Next lesson

9/11 21:30〜

  Have a nice week!

Name: Sakura(西)
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 15:25
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Title: Shawn Aaron    
Thank you for taking the four trial lessons diligently.
I'm looking forward to seeing your progress
if you continue taking lessons at this rate.

★Today's lesson

Hiragana なにぬねの  はひふへほ

 これは(korewa) それは(sorewa) あれは(arewa)

 それは 〜 じゃありません。 (sorewa 〜 jyaarimasen

 See you!

Name: Nao Kagiuchi
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 15:11
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Title: Alexさん    
kyou mo arigatou gozaimashita(^^♪

**kyou no lesson**

・mainichi --simasu.

・asagohan wo tabemasuka?
・Nani wo tabemasuka?
pan ya tamgo nado wo tabemasu.

gohan ya misoshiru nado wo tabemasu.

nanimo tabemasen

Thank you for coming today!

Mata raishu oai shimasho☆☆


Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 15:07
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Title: Arli Sienz-san    
まずは、Basic Testをしました。What a excellent,You could do the test perfectly!  Please take it easy next time. Well done!
おつかれさまでした。 Have a great weekend. See you next week.
Take care!

Name: Daisuke TANUMA
Date: 2024/09/05(木) 14:54
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Title: Solamon Dixon san    
Thank you for attending the lesson.
We reviewed "this," "that," and "that over there."
We learned how to form questions.
We also learned a bit about “How much is it?”


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