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     The layout of the room was well drawn and expressed.See you week after ....
  yuki   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 12:24 

     きょうは、Lesson9 いけいようしi adjective をべんきょうしました。 ....
  おおにしともこ   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 12:19 
 Aaron Dang

     ●What we learned today-2,Useful words 3,Greeting●HomeworkTo ....
  Rika Asahina   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 12:18 
 Sam Asen-san

     Dear Sam Asen-sanThank you for coming to the lesson today. Thank you ....
  Masako Kurasawa   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 12:17 
 Jason Hirata san

     ジェイソンさんきょうは とても とくべつな じゅぎょう でしたね。 ....
  Naomi   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 11:58 
 Giovanni san

      Konnichiwa, Giovanni san.It was nice to meet you. Thank you for t ....
  Yuko Tano   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 11:28 

     今日はテキストcapter7の自動詞、他動詞を勉強しました。 ....
  大西   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 11:23 

      It was nice to meet you. Thank you for taking my class today.I am hap ....
  Yuko Tano     Giovanni   2  2024/09/16(月) 11:16 
 Tenxin Kalden

     ●What we learned today-4 sentences for meeting people●HomeworkTo rem ....
  Rika Asahina   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 11:14 

     Lyric-sanThank you for coming to the third trial lesson today.[Today ....
  Rika Matsubara   - 1  2024/09/16(月) 11:13 

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