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   Christopher Samson  ....   
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   Arli Sienz-san   
   Ceasar G1   
   Cody Hunger Ford-san   

Name: Sakura
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 16:27
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Title: Davidさん    
きょうは L8 と L9 をべんきょうしました。



かえらないでください。もういっきょくありますWe have one more song!


Name: Sakura
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 16:23
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Title: Andreaさん    
きょうは L2 と L3 をべんきょうしました。

たいです たくないです
ほしいです ほしくないです。

Spy Familyのフィギュアがほしいです。

1えんは ほしくないです。

らいしゅう、L3 またやりましょう!

Name: Yasuhiro Tokoro
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 16:15
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Title: Megさん    



Name: Masami
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 15:52
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Title: Christopher Samson さん    
It was fun lesson as always.
We studied Question and Money today.

Homework is , making a list what you buy with the prices .

See you next week

Name: Masami
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 15:48
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Title: Jin san    
今日は、volitional form のレッスンが終わりました。


Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 15:15
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Title: Arli Sienz-san    
Thank you for attending a third trial lesson. It was great to see you again. きょうは、mazeめいろのゲームをしました。まずは、かんたんなめいろから、むずかしいめいろにチャレンジしました。パーフェクトでした! おつかれさまでした。Well done! Have an excellent weekend then. See you next time. Take care!

Name: Nao Kagiuchi
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 14:46
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Title: Alexさん    
Kyou mo arigatou gozaimashita

**Kyou no lesson**

・yoru nani wo shimasuka?
・Internet wo shimasu.
・Nanji kara nanji made shimasuka?
・10ji kara 12 ji made shimasu.

Thank you for the cheese talk. It sounds so delicious! Wonderful.

Mata raishu oai shimasho!


Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 14:21
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Title: Kellen-san    
Thank you for your time on Wednesday night. I appreciate it as always. It was great to see you. In today's lesson, we started to study Lesson 7, asking permmision, May Ior Can I,we practiced phrases like,
"mizuo nondemo iidesuka?", the answer is "ii-desuyo","iie, ikemasen" or "ima wa damedesu","kurumao unnten sihtemo iidesuka?", the answer is "iie, ikemasen","nazenara osakeo nomimata", so on. You could understand well. we did not get a stuck anywhere. Thank you for your hard work,Well done! Have an excellent weekend then. See you next time. Take care!

Name: Sakura(西)
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 14:06
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Title: Ceasar G1    
Thank you for attending the lesson seriously today.
It's difficult to remember hiragana,
but let's do our best together.

★Today's lesson

Hiragana さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬめの
 〜がすきです。(ga sukidesu)
これは〜です。(korewa 〜 desu)

★next lesson

   9/25 21:30〜

  *Let's enjoy a Japanese lesson again next week!

Name: けいこ Keiko 
Date: 2024/09/19(木) 14:05
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Title: Cody Hunger Ford-san    
Thank you for taking my lesson.
I enjoyed having classes with you.
You will get better at Japanese.
You were doing your best in all lessons.
I’m grateful to you .

〜Today’s lesson〜

…がすきです : I like …

わたしは あにめが すきです。:I like anime.
watashi wa anime ga suki desu.

(あなたは)・・・が すきですか?. :Do you like ... ?
(anata wa)・・・ga suki desu ka?.

(わたしは)・・・がすきじゃありません。 :I don't like ...
(watashi wa) ・・・ga suki ja arimasen.

Good Luck.

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